date a man 10 years younger / Everything to Know Before Dating Younger Men

date a man 10 years younger

date a man 10 years younger

I particularly remember one person being very shocked and hung up on the fact that I was younger than Pikachu, which for some reason made the gap feel much more visceral than just knowing my age, and I can make people feel old just by telling them how old I was when some story from their early adulthood or adolescence comes up, but I usually refrain from doing that unless it's particularly funny for some reason. Maybe he will change his mind about all sorts of things in the next decade s? Id give it a go, nothing to lose by this point. My issue is that he's still so young and what if he wants kids down the line. Not happily, obviously, but married nevertheless, and with children. An 80 year old dating a 70 year old is just life. We both have experience with alcoholism, trauma, and both have extensive education across a number of areas.

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