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International family-related legal matters can often be challenging, especially when they involve locating heirs, biological parents of adopted children, or She says that she and her mother desperately want to escape the fighting and emigrate to the West, and that she has found a private car service that can get them to Lviv: "these carriers will take us out of the occupied territory, they have an agreement at the checkpoints and will take us to Lviv, and there they will hand us over to volunteers and help us to draw up documents! They use pre-written letters and use parts of them as they need. Do not send her any money, offer to buy her a ticket instead. How not to get scammed by 'Russian women' online Lifestyle. A common theme in catfish scams is for the imposters to create elaborate stories involving illness, family tragedies, or major accidents that generate sympathy and help to postpone a face-to-face meeting. See if the content of her letters change.

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